Ciao a tutti! Eccoci a poche ore dal giorno di Natale...e quale migliore occasione per creare un addobbo in stile Steampunk per partecipare alla sfida di Dicembre di SanDee & amelie's Steampunk Challenges Blog? Quindi mi sono sbizzarrita con ingranaggi, effetto ruggine, avanzi di altri lavori e quant'altro ed ecco il risultato...
Hello everyone! Here we are..just few hours from Christmas day...and I couldn't find a better moment to create a Steampunk ornament to submit for the December Challenge over at SanDee & amelie's Steampunk Challenges Blog. So I just had fun with gears, cogs, rust effects, leftovers from other projects and so on, and here is the result...
E' tutto...non mi resta che salutarvi ed augurare a tutti voi un FELICE vediamo qui il prossimo anno!!!
That's all...I just want to wish you all a very MERRY CHRISTMAS...see you here next year!!!
EDIT: Sono finita nella Top 5!!! I've made Top 5!!!
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8 commenti:
Gorgeous, love your wonderful christmas bird! Many thanks for joining us at SanDee&Amelies Steampunk Challenge! Merry XMAS!
Thanks Kerstin! Merry Christmas to you!
Cute bird :))) Very cool work
Thank you...had so much fun making this...❤
Beautiful work with winter bird and cogs!Thanks for joining us at SanDee&amelie's Steampunk Challenge!
Thank you so much! Happy New Year!
Hi!!! So nice to visit you... Im following. Love this... A little steam punk at Christmas makes me happy!!! Happy new year!
Hey Anita!!! Thank you so much! Wish you a wonderful and creative 2017!!!
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